We lied a bit, there isn’t a “superfood”, but there are some incredible ingredients and foods that deserve their title thanks to their impact on your health if consumed on a regular basis. Today, on World Health Day and in the middle of a pandemic, it is always good to remember and apply healthy eating habits to keep your defenses high and your body strong. That’s why we bring you a list of foods you can include to feel and look your best with ORGANO.


There are different opinions regarding them, but they still show that they are some of the healthiest options. They are full of protein, vitamins, and antioxidants. 

The yolk contains fat-soluble vitamins and fatty acids, the whites are rich in vitamin B2 and minerals. They are one of the richest proteins and they may even reduce the risk of heart stroke if consumed daily. 


As one of the main sources of vegetarian protein, beans are rich in fiber, vitamins and other nutrients such as potassium and iron. They are part of the family of legumes, a perfect mix between a vegetable and a protein, and are recognized to be the ideal replacement of proteins that come from meat.

Beans contain soluble fiber, making them perfect to control cholesterol levels if consumed steadily through the week. Some side effects, though, may include migraines due to allergic reactions to tyramine, a substance responsible for those annoying headaches. 


If red meat is a no-no for you, then you may want to replace it for fish. It can be your source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein. Fish also contains vitamin D and calcium. All these nutrients help with the healthy development of brain function, bone health, and growth in kids. 


Another variety of plant protein and healthy fats! Nuts come in different varieties and all of them are rich in monounsaturated fats, a “good” kind of fat that helps people with heart issues. 

Nuts contain antioxidants, which help in reducing cell damage and premature aging, and also aid in weight-loss processes. Grab those peanuts, almonds, cashews, and pecans as a healthy snack instead of cookies and pastries!

Including these four superfoods in your diet may impact in a positive way your diet and daily habits. As usual, make sure you don’t have an excess of these, consuming superfoods in healthy doses can improve your well-being in no time. Live your best life and become your best version with OGX. 



Founded in 2008 as Organo Gold, ORGANO™ is dedicated to bringing the benefits of the earth’s nutritional riches to people throughout the world via its premium products that can be used daily to help to achieve a more energetic and healthier lifestyle.


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