As temperatures start to rise, you also start feeling like you need something extra to keep you fresh and awake. Don’t worry! FENIX CXT is here to give you that boost of energy and focus with an arrangement of drinks to enjoy this spring. Give them a try and tell us your favorite!



1 cup of water

5 mint sprigs

1 cup of fresh strawberries, halved

3 cups of cubed melon/cantaloupe

1 cup of FENIX CXT Dissolved

1 cup of ginger ale


Boil the cup of water and the mint for around 5 minutes. Reduce heat and allow to cool completely. 


Combine the strawberries and cantaloupe in a pitcher, pour the FENIX CXT, mint water, and ginger ale. Add ice if you want it really cold. Enjoy!


Raspberry CXT Crush

8 cups of raspberries

½ cup of honey or agave syrup

2/3 cup of cider vinegar

2 1/2 cups of FENIX CXT dissolved

4 cups of ginger ale


In a saucepan, pour the berries and crush them, then add the sugar, vinegar and 1/2 cup of water. Bring this to a boil and let it simmer for around 15 minutes. Get off the stove, and strain the mix to remove the seeds. Let it cool completely. 


In a large pitcher mix the FENIX CXT and Ginger Ale, and pour the raspberry mix. Stir and serve on tall glasses with ice.


Watermelon Slushy

1/3 cup of lemon juice

2 cups of cubed seedless watermelon

2 cups of diced fresh strawberries

2 cups of ice


Put all the ingredients in a blender and process until slushy. Serve with more ice!


Give your body the right nutrients, just as you hydrate and taste the most delicious and invigorating drinks with FENIX CXT by ORGANO! FENIX CXT contains probiotics to support gut health, and gives you clean energy that lasts.


Founded in 2008 as Organo Gold, ORGANO™ is dedicated to bringing the benefits of the earth’s nutritional riches to people throughout the world via its premium products that can be used daily to help to achieve a more energetic and healthier lifestyle.


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