Star Achiever alert! We love how frequent the news from Star Achievers comes to us, it makes us proud to have such committed Distribution Partners in our lines. Today’s spotlight is for Andrea Sebestyen!


Andrea is from Hungary but arrived in Australia in 2019 with her family. Her background is in advertising and marketing, and entrepreneurship has been in her blood since very young. Together with her husband they founded a film distribution company in Australia, which they have been running since 2007. 


Her encounter with ORGANO happened in 2012, “when our daughter was a baby I drank a lot of coffee, which led to serious health issues: many times I had stomach ache and became very acidic during the day and almost had heartburn late at night.” It was then that thanks to Diamond leader Szilveszter Gyulai she discovered ORGANO’s Ganoderma-enhanced coffee. “He offered me the fabulous ORGANO coffees. I instantly fell in love with the Latte and have been drinking it ever since – on heavier days even 4 cups but without any side effects.” This love for the product led her to want to join the opportunity.


“I discussed with my husband Andrew that we need to bring this fantastic coffee and its health benefits into the lives of Australian people.” And so they did. In 2019 they started working on a local shop to ensure distribution for their area, “we wanted to introduce the Organo coffee palette through our personal website, Facebook business page and later involved Instagram too.”


The power of social media helped Andrea grow her business quickly and even during the pandemic. She firmly believes her success can be replicated by other Distribution Partners as well: “I highly recommend this great business opportunity to everyone who wants to help their friends to become healthier, highly energetic and who have compassion for their fellow human beings to show the way to lead a healthier and happier life.”


Founded in 2008 as Organo Gold, ORGANO™ is dedicated to bringing the benefits of the earth’s nutritional riches to people throughout the world via its premium products that can be used daily to help to achieve a more energetic and healthier lifestyle.


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