beU already recommended some foods you can include in your regime to keep a soft, youthful-looking skin. Today we bring you more recommendations, this time tailored to the season: Summer. Take advantage of your local produce and the fruits and vegetables in season and make this year your best when it comes to healthy skin.


This vegetable is not only low in calories, but it is also rich in water and vitamins to help your skin feel moisturized. It contains manganese, an element that aids collagen production and anti-oxidation processes.

Green tea

Say goodbye to puffiness and tired skin after a long day or a tough night with this beverage. Tea is rich in antihistamine properties and is the perfect refreshment when you’re soaking up the sun. Also, don’t forget that it is a great source of water to keep you and your skin hydrated.

Bell Peppers

These peppers are a great choice if you want to improve the elasticity of your skin. They are rich in Vitamin C and carotenoids, which help prevent premature aging, breakouts, and inflammation. 

Coconut water

Water is your friend, but coconut water can be your BEST friend if you suffer from dehydration or spend long periods of time under the sun. This water is rich in electrolytes, which aids your body in recovering from long exposures under the sun or exhausting activities. It also boosts your circulation thanks to the potassium it contains. 

Greek Yogurt

Take care of your gut! After all, it is linked to the health of your skin. Greek yogurt is a great addition to your summer diet thanks to the probiotics it contains. Its benefits are linked to the reduction of acne breakouts and inflammation


Simple, right? Make the most out of this summer with these ingredients! They are staples in your pantry, not only for health but also for beauty. #beU



Founded in 2008 as Organo Gold, ORGANO™ is dedicated to bringing the benefits of the earth’s nutritional riches to people throughout the world via its premium products that can be used daily to help to achieve a more energetic and healthier lifestyle.


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