Happy birthday, Canada!

151 years ago, the colonies of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Canada (now Ontario and Quebec) got together to form a single Dominion under the United Kingdom. Over the years, the territories around them thought it was a good idea to join them, and with time, they got their full independence from the British empire becoming a brand new country, our beloved Canada!

Our Founding Fathers must have been drinking our Cafe Supreme to accomplish to build the country we are now — we have some of the best education levels around the world, rank amongst the happiest people, and have some of the most livable cities in the planet.

So, to honor this day, that is just two weeks apart from ORGANO’s 10th birthday, we bring you ten facts about Canada that will make you want to start your celebrations with a cup of coffee.

  1. Dutch traders introduced coffee in this region in 1600.
  2. Canada ranks on the top 10 coffee consumers around the world
  3. Coffee creates more than 160 thousand jobs in Canada.
  4. Most Canadians spend $10 to $20 monthly on making coffee at home.
  5. 14% Canadians love instant coffee above any other type.
  6. Coffee is the most consumed beverage in our country, even over tap water.
  7. Coffee represents a $6 million industry in Canada.
  8. Coffee represents the largest source of antioxidants in the Canadian diet.
  9. 2.3 billions cups of coffee are served yearly from coast to coast.
  10. Latin America, Africa, and Indonesia are the main sources of coffee imported into Canada.

Ready to celebrate Canada Day with ORGANO? Let your inner Canadian out by preparing a cup of iced ORGANO GOLD Black Coffee™, adding some whipped cream and maple syrup to sweeten it up!



Founded in 2008 as Organo Gold, ORGANO™ is dedicated to bringing the benefits of the earth’s nutritional riches to people throughout the world via its premium products that can be used daily to help to achieve a more energetic and healthier lifestyle.  


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