We already explored a few facts about Espresso, this unique and invigorating beverage that has become a staple on almost every home. But this is a topic with many curiosities and important facts you need to know, so let’s explore it, digging a little deeper on its multiple benefits. 


  • Espresso is a type of drink, not a type of roast. The same coffee beans that are in your instant coffee, go to the espresso as well.
  • One set of espresso needs at least 50 coffee beans to become the energizing drink you enjoy every morning.
  • To ensure that your espresso gets all the flavor, make sure to brew it at least to 190-195 Fahrenheit.
  • “La Pavoni” was the first espresso machine ever installed in the United States, it happened in 1927 at Reggios in New York.


  • Espresso has its own day: November 23, National Espresso Day.
  • Italians have their espresso in a particular way: they always stir their coffee to make sure the crema and the liquid keep the balance.
  • Espresso starts to lose its flavor and aroma as it cools, that’s why it is preferable to drink it as hot and as fresh as you can.

Enjoy your espressolike a true italian with the Ganoderma-enhanced flavors that ORGANO brings you with Zero, Uno, Due and Tre. Find your ideal cup and fill your days with the unique aroma of this amazing drink. 



Founded in 2008 as Organo Gold, ORGANO™ is dedicated to bringing the benefits of the earth’s nutritional riches to people throughout the world via its premium products that can be used daily to help to achieve a more energetic and healthier lifestyle.  


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