2022 is a great opportunity to set and achieve higher goals. We know that the idea of setting goals can be scary, especially when it has become so hard to stay accountable through the year, facing the uncertainty of maybe not reaching them. 

At ORGANO, we researched on how to set achievable goals and actually get them. Becoming successful at it, is not a matter of being ambitious, but realistic about your possibilities. Learn how to set them today!

Pick goals that move you

Whether the goals you’re setting are personal, professional, financial or any other, you need to bring your passion to the game. If you’re committed and motivated by them, the better results you may get. This step of goal-setting requires you to be entirely honest with yourself: what do you want? Why do you want it? What’s your drive to go for it?

Having meaningful goals is essential to achieving them, otherwise you will leave them along the way when you find something more attractive. 

Break down each goal

Once you have one or three goals, go in depth with them: How will you get them? What’s the best, most effective roadmap to achieve them? Is it realistic?

In this TED Talk Stephen Duneier gives you some important pieces of advice on how to break down goals effectively to achieve great things. 



When designing this roadmap, take into account any factors that may get in the way of achieving it: change of circumstances, obstacles. Breaking them down into tasks that lead you to success can give you a clearer idea of the timeframe you will need. Don’t get discouraged by the details you may find in this step, having a clear picture is essential for great goal-making.

Set Milestones

Having a roadmap will allow you to do this step: picking certain points in your journey to celebrate your growth and how close you’re getting to achieving your objective. 

Defining these milestones and acknowledging periodically will not only make you feel more motivated, will also provide the confidence you need for bigger challenges. These milestones can be set monthly or quarterly, whichever makes you feel more enthusiastic about your own progress. 

Incorporate them to your daily lifestyle

Goals that we work on everyday are more achievable than those we set to work on a distant, remote timeframe. If you really want to reach success, making your goals and the work towards them a part of your daily task is essential. Even by just giving them 30 minutes of your day, you will get a sense of accomplishment when you see yourself doing those things naturally. 


In this video venture capitalist John Doerr teaches you how to set the right goals for yourself and beat failure From the beginning. 



Are you ready to kill it this 2022? We’re here for you with practical business and personal advice to achieve your goals, no matter the size or type! You can visit OG Academy for inspiring business talks on how to make your OG business thrive.



Founded in 2008 as Organo Gold, ORGANO™ is dedicated to bringing the benefits of the earth’s nutritional riches to people throughout the world via its premium products that can be used daily to help to achieve a more energetic and healthier lifestyle.


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