Kim Bean is a wife, mother, daughter, and successful business woman, who has learned her self-worth and value by overcoming all of life’s obstacles and challenges, and through ORGANO™, she has found her niche. Kim’s mission is to positively impact women spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and financially through ORGANO™, the way it has for her in such a positive way.

Though she has found much success with ORGANO™, Kim’s road to get there was anything but easy. Six months pregnant, she was laid off from three different jobs, couldn’t afford the upkeep on her three businesses, and was facing foreclosure. She knew she needed to make changes for the better in order to keep her life from falling apart. This period of hardship came as a blessing in disguise, as it taught Kim the value of family and to appreciate those who impact her in a positive way. Ever since she has found ORGANO™, she has made sure to focus on the beneficial aspects of her life, shutting out negative influence.

The passion behind Kim’s endeavors truly comes from the belief that it’s her purpose to positively impact women through ORGANO™. In the beginning of her journey, she envisioned this large undertaking as something clearly out of the scope of a small town, country girl like herself, but through her experience she kept seeing those in need of the positive impact she could supply, and knew that she could reach her goals of helping other women. Now, Kim helps women in her industry learn how to uplift and impassion themselves and others with the drive to succeed.

Kim does not have much that she regrets. Though, bringing more faith into her life has made a positive impact on her, and she only wishes she could have done it sooner, to more fully realize her goals of helping others.

Like many in the network marketing industry, Kim had a background in the corporate field before becoming involved in it. That particular experience installed a basis of professionalism and communication skills, which she now uses in a position where her worth is valued to a greater extent. Within her new industry with OG, she now has a multitude of freedoms and options available to her that were not available before in her comparatively restrictive corporate past. Rather than being tied to someone else’s schedule, she now works on her own time, and dictates her own income. She now has the time she needs to spend with her family, and doesn’t feel burned out after long weeks at the office.

Kim lives life by the motto, “would you rather be right, or would you rather be rich?” This helps her keep on track, regarding the nature of her success, which always involves helping others before herself. At more Earthly levels, Kim looks up to TD Jakes and Joel Olsteen for spiritual guidance and answers to the “why” questions of her work.

To answering the “how” of the industry, Kim looks to Mrs. Buggs as an epitome of success in Life and the industry. Mrs. Earlene Buggs is an inspiring role model to Kim and admires her business savvy, her work ethics, her philosophies and her global contribution to building healthy relationships amongst women.

Yet, Kim is also quick to credit her success to her life partner and husband, Samuel. He is her biggest supporter and is a huge influence to her becoming the woman that she is today! He helps build their legacy through ORGANO™ and their two sons. He fulfills a complementary role in her life and knows she chose the best life partner and business partner and owes her success to him.


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