October means Halloween and you know what it leads to… Candy! And having one or two every now and then is delicious and makes you feel like a kid again… But your body and teeth may not feel so happy after binging all of it. So, to keep the balance we bring you some tips to avoid eating all the candy at home during this season.

Buy less candy

Or buy none! We understand that having kids at home or around can make things complicated, but this year instead of buying tons of bags, go for one or two, so you guarantee they will run out before the night is over and you won’t have any “extra” around to munch on.

Eat healthy

Healthy nutrition is key to avoiding binging on candy. Foods rich in protein and fiber will keep you full for longer and you won’t be searching for a snack after an hour or two.

Buy your least favorite

This is a great trick to keep candy around but not eat it. If you don’t like chocolate, keep it around and give it away. This will keep temptations away but won’t cause any wars at home with the little ones.

Have just one

You can have your candy! Just make sure to include it in your diet in a balanced way. One piece a day won’t do much harm. When you feel the craving, go for a small bite instead of the full bar.

Get a distraction

Your sweet tooth can attack when you least expect it. Sometimes it is even anxiety or boredom that drive us to munch delicious sweets when we’re not even hungry. When this happens, find something productive to do: go out for a short walk, do some house chores, finish work or even walk the dog out. 


Keeping your hands away from candy is easier than you think! It’s all a matter of making healthier choices and developing a positive relationship with food. ORGANO has supplements, beverages and products to make healthier choices without worries, we have recipes for all ages and palates.



Founded in 2008 as Organo Gold, ORGANO™ is dedicated to bringing the benefits of the earth’s nutritional riches to people throughout the world via its premium products that can be used daily to help to achieve a more energetic and healthier lifestyle.


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