We already gave you some gift ideas to give Mom on this special occasion, but today, THE DAY, you can still surprise her with some beautiful gestures that will take nothing but a few minutes from your day and will make her happy FOREVER.

Write her a letter

Whether you’re away or live with her during this confinement, telling her how grateful you feel can make the difference, we don’t always say the things we mean and this is a good moment to do so.

Create a Playlist with her favorite songs

Light up her day with some music! Pick songs that remind you of her or some of her favorite tunes and share the playlist with her.

Give her a call

If you’re away, dedicating some time and space to talk to her will make you two feel closer, catch up on the latest happenings and share a meaningful conversation together.

Create a photo album with your favorite memories

Photo album, PPT slideshow, even a website… Anything you want! Just pick some beautiful pics of her, with you and the family to create a beautiful repository of memories together.

Create a video for her day

Ask your siblings and the rest of your family to create a short, but meaningful video with a message for her: tell her your favorite memory, how much you admire her, something she’s done for you that you’ve never forgotten… the possibilities are endless. It may get emotional, but it will be so worth it. Connecting with others and feeling gratitude is what this is all about.

Nourish your relationship with Mom! Make it special and unique, just like her. AND, if you happened to forget to get her gift, you can still get her the beU Nourishing Pack! It has everything your mom needs to look and feel her best at any time of the year. 



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