Imre Tóth has 54 years old and lives in Biatorbágy, a small town of 16.000 people near Budapest. He has two children and he is an IT programmer. He started his adventure with ORGANO™ in March 2020 and only a few months later he reached the rank of Sapphire.

We interview this incredible person that has shared with us his tips to build a strong and fast growing business.

What did you do before working with ORGANO™?

For 35 years I worked as IT in various positions. For 3 years in Biatorbágy I was elected one of the leaders of the local Viadukt Sports Association. Actually at the association I have financial and sports management responsibilities. The association currently has more than 1.000 children and adults playing sports in about 10 divisions.

How did you reach the Sapphire? How did you build your business?

I have been looking for a long time for a product that could have been used by our athletes, a balanced product, natural and not synthetically produced. It is a very important aspect and all our athletes can use it. That’s how we found each other with ORGANO. After we met, we sat down with my sponsors and made a plan, we worked out the solution that allowed us to reach the rank of Sapphire. The solution included both product packages and marketing solutions, and last but not least, the business partners essential for the implementation.

What are your three tips for success?

1. Use the products. If you don’t use it you’re not authentic, you cannot recommend the product if you don’t have a direct experience.

2. Accurate planning. Take your time and plan your next week, month and year. If you don’t have a plan you can’t control your processes. The higher you get to this level the more important it is.

3. Train yourself. There is always something to learn. Whether it’s the products or the methods. The world is in constant motion. You need to constantly gain new knowledge to be able to maintain your level.

Where do you see your future at ORGANO™?

I want to reach the Diamond rank in 1 year. In the next 1 year. Once reached it, I will plan the next level.



Founded in 2008 as Organo Gold, ORGANO™ is dedicated to bringing the benefits of the earth’s nutritional riches to people throughout the world via its premium products that can be used daily to help to achieve a more energetic and healthier lifestyle.  


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