January can be a difficult month to get through, with the shortest days of the year, the end of festivities, and the return to work or studies. But that doesn’t mean you have to suffer in silence! Here are 5 self-care tips to help you beat the January blues and get you through the month. From taking some time out to practice mindfulness and relaxation, to socializing with friends and family, or just treating yourself to something special, these tips will help you feel your best and make the most of the month.

Take some time for yourself

As the old saying goes, ‘take care of yourself, then you can better take care of others’. So try to set aside a few minutes each day to look after yourself. Whether this means taking a few minutes to read a book, or listen to music, or have a warm bath, or go for a walk or run, having some me-time will help you feel refreshed and energized. While some people find the ‘caring’ feelings associated with the month of January helpful, others may find these feelings burdensome and would benefit from taking some time out for themselves.

Practice mindfulness and relaxation

Mindfulness is a way of paying attention to the present moment in a non-judgmental way. Being mindful can help you relax and focus on the here and now, rather than let thoughts and worries about the past or future get you down. While mindfulness is often practiced through meditation, you don’t have to sit cross-legged and chant a mantra to reap the benefits. Other ways to practice mindfulness include taking time to look at the stars, gardening, or listening to music. Other simple ways to practice self-care and promote relaxation include taking deep breaths, or practicing yoga, qi gong, or tai chi. And if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or tired, try to take some time out. Take a few deep breaths, or make yourself a cup of tea. You’ll feel so much better for it!

Reach out to friends and family

No matter how old you are or how close you are, you can always find someone to talk to and share your feelings with. Whether you choose to talk to friends, family, or a therapist, sharing your feelings with others can help you feel less alone, and can help you process your feelings and emotions in a healthy way. Talking to others can also provide you with a different perspective on your situation and your feelings, which can help you make sense of things and see different ways to tackle problems or issues you may be dealing with.

Treat yourself to something special

When you feel down, it can be easy to feel guilty about wanting or needing to treat yourself to something special. But this is a part of self-care and something that you should allow yourself to do. It might be a special meal, a trip to the movies, a new pair of shoes, or even just a few hours reading in a comfy chair in a warm and cozy place. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something you really want to do, and not something you feel you ‘should’ be doing. And if you’re feeling generous, treat a friend to something special too. It will help you feel better, and it will make them feel great too!

Take part in activities you enjoy

Doing the things you love is a great serotonin booster, so make time for those hobbies and things that fill your heart with joy, no matter what they are! Taking part in activities you enjoy is also a great way to make new friends and feel more connected to your community. It can also help you find a sense of purpose, which can help you feel less lonely and more fulfilled. 


While January may be the month of cold and darkness, it can also be a month of new beginnings and fresh starts. So, remember to take some time for yourself, practice mindfulness and relaxation, reach out to friends and family, and treat yourself to something special to boost those feelings of wellness. 



Founded in 2008 as Organo Gold, ORGANO™ is dedicated to bringing the benefits of the earth’s nutritional riches to people throughout the world via its premium products that can be used daily to help to achieve a more energetic and healthier lifestyle.


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