Lydia Van Wingerden speaks 3 languages, has lived on 3 continents, has met the man of her dreams, and runs a successful business.

And she’s not even old enough to rent a car.

Even though she’s only 21 years of age, Lydia has already lived an incredible life. Growing up, she travelled the world and spent time living in the US, Bolivia, and Netherlands. She’s lived a life of freedom and excitement and is rich in cultural experiences. So, when she decided to come back to the United States at the age of 18 to pursue an exciting new lifestyle, she was quite surprised at what she found.

“I confronted the reality of life and what it took to make ends meet,” recalls Lydia.

The hope and dreams she had when she moved back home slowly began to fade away and she began to question everything she had known.

“Where had my freedom gone?”

“Is this what normal life is like?”

“Does everyone go through this?”

While questions continued to pile up, answers were nowhere to be seen. She desperately wanted to regain the freedom that defined her life, but didn’t know how. Deep down, she knew there was an answer to all of her questions and knew there had to be a way to change her life for the better.

She just never realized the answer she was seeking was right in front of her the whole time.

“The day I was introduced to ORGANO, I instinctively knew I had found what I had been looking for. I regained the hope and freedom I wanted so badly and my life had changed instantly. ORGANO was the answer.”

The leadership, mentorship, and freedom is what attracted her to ORGANO and now she continues to stay motivated through a burning desire to share this incredible opportunity with as many people as possible.

“ORGANO™ has helped my husband and I create a simplified and healthier lifestyle. This, along with helping others live and duplicate the same, has been the beauty and blessing of this company.”

Lydia quickly worked her way up to Sapphire and credits the world class ORGANO™ mentorship as one of the biggest reasons why. She plugged into the system, listened to those who had already succeeded with ORGANO™, and took instant action on all of their advice. She attends all major OG Events, which increases her belief in the company and continues to fuel her passion for the business.

Now that she’s joined the OG leadership group, she’s the one giving advice to up and coming Distributors who are looking to become the next ORGANO™ success story.

“Plan your work and work your plan! Leading by words points to the road of success; leading by example paves the road to success.”

If Lydia continues on this path, there’s no doubt her future will consist of Diamonds, incentive trips, and of course, rented cars.



Founded in 2008 as Organo Gold, ORGANO™ is dedicated to bringing the benefits of the earth’s nutritional riches to people throughout the world via its premium products that can be used daily to help to achieve a more energetic and healthier lifestyle. 


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