As an ORGANO distribution partner, sampling is one of the most effective tools at your disposal. Offering samples of our high-quality beverages, supplements, and skincare products allows potential customers to experience the benefits firsthand, creating a personal connection with the products. 


In this competitive market, people are often hesitant to purchase without trying something first. This is where the power of sampling comes in. By offering a taste or trial of ORGANO products, you can create curiosity, build trust, and demonstrate the high quality of what you’re offering. Moreover, sampling helps establish a personal relationship!

Strategies for Effective Sampling

Host an OG Mixer

One of the best ways to get products into the hands of potential customers is by hosting an OG Mixer. Whether it’s a casual gathering at your home, a coffee morning at a local café, or an event at a community center, offering samples in a social setting allows people to try ORGANO’s beverages while also learning more about the benefits of Ganoderma, the key ingredient in many of our beverages.



  • Create a comfortable, inviting atmosphere where attendees can ask questions and share their feedback.
  • Offer a variety of products, such as Royal Black Coffee, King of Coffee, and Café Latte, to cater to different tastes.
  • Share your personal story and the benefits you’ve experienced from using ORGANO products to build trust and connection.


Follow-Up After Sampling

The work doesn’t stop after the sample is handed out. A follow-up strategy is crucial for converting a sample into a sale. After providing a sample of an ORGANO beverage, follow up with the recipient to ask how they enjoyed it and whether they would like to purchase more.



  • Send a thank-you message or email within 24 hours of providing the sample.
  • Provide additional product information or recommend complementary products based on their feedback.

Partner with Local Businesses

Another creative way to distribute samples is by partnering with local businesses, such as gyms, spas, or wellness centers. Many wellness-focused customers are open to trying new products that support health and vitality.



  • Reach out to local business owners and offer to leave ORGANO sachets or beU skincare products for their clients to try.
  • Consider setting up a small display or flyer alongside the samples to provide more information about the product’s benefits.

Be Intentional and Personal in Your Sampling Approach

The key to successful sampling lies in being intentional and personal. Sampling is about more than just handing out products—it’s about making connections. As you sample ORGANO products, make sure to listen to the customer’s needs, provide personalized recommendations, and follow up with them to continue building the relationship.


With these strategies, you can maximize the potential of your samples and drive your business toward greater success.



Founded in 2008 as Organo Gold, ORGANO® is dedicated to bringing the benefits of the earth’s nutritional riches to people throughout the world via its premium products that can be used daily to help to achieve a more energetic and healthier lifestyle.


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