The summer brings a sense of renewal and motivation, making it an ideal time to focus on both your personal and business growth. For ORGANO distribution partners, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not just about personal well-being but also about setting an example for others and growing your business. Here are the top dos and don’ts to help you succeed in both areas.


Dos During June 

1. Hydrate Regularly

Staying hydrated is fundamental to maintaining good health, especially during the hot summer months. Drinking plenty of water helps keep your body functioning optimally and improves your overall well-being.

Tip: Carry your reusable water bottle and set reminders to drink water throughout the day.

2. Take Care of Your ORGANO Business

June is a great time to review and refine your ORGANO business strategies. Focus on what’s working, identify areas for improvement, and set new goals.

Tip: Use this time to organize your business materials, update your inventory, and plan your marketing strategies for the coming months.

3. Renew Your Sampling Game

Sampling is a powerful way to introduce new customers to ORGANO products. Use June to step up your sampling efforts and reach more potential customers. Go for seasonal themes and products. 

Tip: Create attractive sample packs and offer them at community events, local markets, or using your online presence.

4. Pamper Your Skin

Summer can be harsh on the skin, so it’s important to follow a proper skincare routine. beU can help you maintain healthy, glowing skin with a simple regime that works for all types of skin. 

Tip: Incorporate beU into your daily routine and share your personal experience with your customers to promote this line. You’ll be surprised how common it is for people to worry about their skin’s health. 


5. Stay Active and Energized

Physical activity is essential for maintaining energy levels and staying healthy. Incorporate regular exercise into your daily routine to stay active and motivated.

Tip: Join a local fitness class, take morning walks, or follow online workout sessions.

Don’ts for June

1. Get Low on Stock

Keeping a well-stocked inventory is crucial for meeting customer demands and ensuring smooth business operations. Running out of products can lead to missed opportunities and dissatisfied customers.

Tip: Regularly check your inventory and place orders in advance to avoid shortages. Take advantage of our promos and keep an eye on your inbox. 

2. Gatekeep the ORGANO Opportunity 

Sharing information about ORGANO products and our business opportunity is key to growing your network. Don’t keep valuable information to yourself and instead, reach out to acquaintances, friends, and family to share the goodness

Tip: Actively share product benefits, personal success stories, and business opportunities with potential customers and partners.

3. Be Shy

Confidence is essential when promoting your ORGANO business. Don’t hesitate to reach out to new people and present your products and business opportunities.

Tip: Practice your pitch, attend networking events, and use social media to connect with a wider audience.

4. Neglect Self-Care

Balancing work and personal life is essential for long-term success. Don’t sacrifice your well-being for business growth.

Tip: Schedule regular breaks, practice mindfulness, and ensure you get enough rest.


5. Ignore Feedback

Customer feedback is invaluable for improving your business. Ignoring it can lead to missed opportunities for growth and development.

Tip: Actively seek feedback from your customers and use it to enhance your practices.


June is a fantastic month to focus on both your personal wellness and your ORGANO business. By following these dos and don’ts, you can ensure a healthier lifestyle while growing your business effectively with ORGANO.


Founded in 2008 as Organo Gold, ORGANO® is dedicated to bringing the benefits of the earth’s nutritional riches to people throughout the world via its premium products that can be used daily to help to achieve a more energetic and healthier lifestyle.


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