The human body has a complex process to rid itself of harmful substances. There are many out there that claim to have the secret product or system to detox — but is it all legitimate? The truth is, your body already does a great job of detoxing — when it is at its optimum health.

Here are some pitfalls to avoid when thinking about detoxing the body — the main reasons why our detox won’t work.

  1. It’s too extreme. If the program you have chosen recommends that you do something drastic, it could actually be counterproductive. Not only could it not help your detox process, it could actually be dangerous. Be careful in what you choose to do and for how long.
  2. It doesn’t address your gut health. The number one system involved in removing waste from the body is the digestive system. If you start a detox that doesn’t offer support for your digestive system, it’s a waste of time. Consider trying something like FENIX DX™ that soothes the digestive tract with natural herbs like aloe and licorice. Prebotics and probiotics are also critical to maintaining gut health during and outside of a detox.
  3. The product has too much sugar. If you’re looking into detoxing programs, you have most certain come across some form of green juice cleanse — endorsed by many celebrities. While it sounds like a good idea on the surface — only feeding your body fruits and veggies in an easy-to-digest liquid form — it isn’t that helpful in practice. Many of the green juice brands can pack as much as 42 grams of sugar! Comparatively, FENIX DX™ has 5 grams in a serving.
  4. It’s a temporary solution to a permanent problem. Going on a week-long detox diet will not retroactively fix an unhealthy diet the rest of the year. For the best detox results, it’s better to consistently support the body’s natural process with a healthy diet and proper supplements on a daily basis.

The best way to detox your body is help its natural process. You can do this by offering proper nutrition, exercising regularly, and utilizing supplements with real science behind them. A consistent detox support like FENIX DX™ combine with a healthy diet and regular exercise will keep your body’s own processes running smoothly — so there’s no need to go on extreme detox diets.

Want to get a sample of the FENIX DX™ Advanced Daily Detox drink? Fill out this form and one of our ORGANO™ Independent Distributor will reach out to you.



Founded in 2008 as Organo Gold, ORGANO™ is dedicated to bringing the benefits of the earth’s nutritional riches to people throughout the world via its premium products that can be used daily to help to achieve a more energetic and healthier lifestyle.  


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