Throughout history fasting or cleansing has been a ritual practices by many cultures. It’s often tied to spiritual beliefs, but there are some benefits to allowing the body to “reset” through a cleanse or fast. In more modern times, cleanses have been adopted by secular communities as a way to “detox” — usually either by drinking just water, juice, or other liquids for a set amount of time.

Often cleanses are supported by extra elements like supplements or a detox support beverage like FENIX DX™. So what actually happens to the body during a cleanse?

Digestive System Relief

One of the main benefits of doing a cleanse to give your digestive system a break. Increasingly we are learning that the digestive system is driving force of overall health. When it gets a break from digesting constant food, it has a chance to reset and regulate levels of water, bacteria, and toxins.

If you’re not interested in going on a fast or cleanse where you only drink water, you can help to support your digestive system with proper nutrition. FENIX DX™ helps to support digestive function with gut-healthy ingredients like aloe vera, licorice root, bilberry, and chamomile extract. Healthy elimination is a main goal of any cleanse.


Ketosis is a natural state of human physiology where the body no longer has carbohydrates to burn so it turns to fat or muscle to support its need. When you lessen the carbs that go into your body — like during a cleanse — it will shift into ketosis.

Having the body in ketosis can be helpful for losing weight and is being studied for other benefits in athletes.

Sense of Clarity

While it’s hard to measure the mental impact on your body’s health, it certainly exists. Many people report feeling healthier, lighter, and clearer after completing a cleanse. A healthy mental state is a fundamental element in overall health and can be reason alone for doing a cleanse.

If you’re interested in supporting your body’s own natural detox process,  FENIX DX™ is a great product to add into your daily routine. With its mix of beneficial botanicals and vitamins, FENIX DX™ will help your digestive system and toxin removal — whether on a cleanse or not.



Founded in 2008 as Organo Gold, ORGANO™ is dedicated to bringing the benefits of the earth’s nutritional riches to people throughout the world via its premium products that can be used daily to help to achieve a more energetic and healthier lifestyle.  


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