Sometimes, all it takes is one sip.

Inocencio Berbano Jr. was living a successful life. He was an Electronics and Communications Engineer, working for one of the best telecom companies in all of the Philippines. Once he retired, he began to work as a consultant at a private telecom firm. He was working in the same industry his whole life and felt comfortable with where he was at.

But then, one day his friend came to visit and introduced him to something he knew nothing about. And after just one sip, everything changed.

“He gave me a cup of this new coffee that I had never heard of and right when I had it, I felt something great,” says Inocencio. “The taste was delicious, I felt energized, and all I wanted to do was have more. I then tried the supplements and loved those as well. At that point, I knew this was too good of an opportunity to pass up so I joined the business side of ORGANO™ and got to work.”

Since Inocencio got to work, his business hasn’t stopped growing. His downlines are consistently purchasing high product volume, he keeps adding more people to his network, and he’s ranked all the way up to Sapphire. Amazing for someone who came in with zero Network Marketing experience.

“They key was learning how to build a business properly. I learned how to host OG Mixers and Opportunity Meetings, and now I’m hosting Mixers at least four times per week and Meetings every single weekend. I’ve also started hosting online meetings, which allows me to reach even more people.”

His network of ORGANO™ business leaders and product users has grown considerably over the past few months, so he decided to give this community a new name. ORGANIA — ORGANO Network of International Achievers — is a community which he founded and uses to recognize his top leaders and customers. For Inocencio, it’s just another way to add more value to his continually growing business.

Now that’s he’s an ORGANO™ Leader, it’s important for him to share his knowledge with those who are new to the business. He stresses the importance of becoming a product of the product, sharing success stories, and regularly attending events and training sessions.

“ORGANO™ offers an exciting career for anyone who is committed to growing their business the right way. I look forward to helping even more people reach their goals with OG.”



Founded in 2008 as Organo Gold, ORGANO™ is dedicated to bringing the benefits of the earth’s nutritional riches to people throughout the world via its premium products that can be used daily to help to achieve a more energetic and healthier lifestyle.



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